Get involved with creative arts in Nepal

Do you love arts and crafts? Or enjoy getting kids involved in dance, music and drama? Then you could be the perfect candidate for a new volunteering project in Nepal.

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Creative Arts, Nepal, run by the charity PoD, is looking for volunteers with skills in drawing, painting, music, drama, dance, creative writing, pottery, puppetry, story-telling, anything your creative mind can offer! Volunteers will be teaching young children at the Street Children’s Centre in the Himalayan city of Pokhara, running creative classes to break from the norm of rote learning. The creative classes help broaden the children’s imagination, improve self-confidence, open up new ways of learning, and most of all, add an element of fun!

Schools and children’s centres in Nepal rarely have the budget to fund arts-related classes meaning additional support from charities and their volunteers is greatly welcomed.

The work

Volunteers work for around five hours a day, five days a week, at the centre and are encouraged to come prepared with their own lesson plans and activity ideas for children of all ages. Approximately two to five other volunteers will be working with PoD in Pokhara at the same time, and everyone will receive support from PoD volunteer manager and resident Chrissie. Volunteers receive a Nepali language lesson during their first week, with placements lasting from two to 16 weeks.


Volunteers stay in the beautiful Himalayan lakeside city of Pokhara, surrounded by mountains. Accommodation is at a family-run guesthouse – basic but clean and comfortable, with your own en-suite room. Owner Bindu and her family always provide a very warm welcome for guests.

PoD has been working in Nepal since 2007 with two members of staff who are based in Pokhara. The Street Children’s Centre rescues children from a life on the street. The children here could have run away from home, been abandoned by their families or have grown up on the streets as orphans. The centre is home to around 15 orphaned and disadvantaged children between two and 15 years old. The orphanage uses its limited resources to provide the children with accommodation, food, education and support. The child care centres allow low to middle income families to work while their children are at a day care centre in a safe and secure environment.

For more information about the project, including fees, dates and how to book, visit Creative Arts, Nepal.

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Published by

Kerry Law

Kerry Law (Founding Editor, Goodtrippers): I'm a PR and writer living in London. Since taking my first trip aged 2yrs (all the way from from NZ to the UK) I've loved travel. As a keen advocate of ecotourism and responsible travel, I decided to start Goodtrippers...

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